
Installation of smoke detectors begins

By the end of next year, all VAV Group rental homes will have smoke alarms, which are provided by the landlord.

An amendment to the Rescue Act transferred the responsibility for smoke alarms from the tenant to the owner of the apartment at the beginning of this year. There is a two-year transitional period. For the residents of the VAV Group, this means that from 2026, all VAV rental homes are equipped with fire alarms by VAV.

Since 2010, VAV has installed fixed smoke detectors in all the properties it builds, which are provided by the landlord. In buildings built before this date, the alarm was the responsibility of the tenant.

Now these 170 or so residential properties will also be fitted with smoke alarms. We will start installing the smoke alarms in October. The smoke alarm installation project will last until the end of next year.

The work is carried out by KT Paloturvapalvelut Oy. The timetable and further details of the installation are communicated on a house-by-house basis. Follow the communication of your house!

It is important to note that smoke alarms are still the responsibility of the tenant if VAV has not yet installed a smoke alarm in the dwelling.

The tenant must test the smoke alarms regularly

The change will increase fire safety. By installing smoke alarms, we will be able to ensure that smoke alarms work properly in all our rental homes.

However, the change does not remove the responsibility of the tenant for fire safety. Tenants are provided with more detailed instructions on how to operate the smoke alarms when they are installed.

Instructions for caring for your smoke alarm:

  • Test your smoke alarm regularly, at least once a month. This will ensure that the device works correctly in an emergency.
    Smoke alarms should be kept clean. Vacuum the detector regularly and follow the maintenance and cleaning instructions that come with the smoke detector.
  • The occupant should immediately notify VAV Customer Service if there is a fault with the smoke alarm installed by VAV.
  • Do not move or remove installed smoke alarms.

Rules for fire-safe housing

In your own home, you should always keep fire safety in mind. Remember at least these:

  • Keep matches and other fire starting equipment out of the reach of children.
  • Do not leave candles or food on the stove unattended.
  • Turn off electrical appliances after use.
  • Use the sauna safely: do not dry your laundry on the stove or use the sauna for storage.
  • Do not leave the sauna on unattended when it is in use.
  • Keep extinguishing equipment (fire blanket and hand extinguisher) readily available and learn how to use it.
  • Download the 112 app on your phone to make it easy to call for help if needed.