VAV has abolished the security deposit for all new leases starting after 1 June 2024. Moving into a VAV apartment…
About us
VAV is a company owned by the City of Vantaa. We build and own rental apartments in Vantaa. We also administer, manage and market the apartments we own. VAV has more than 11,000 rental apartments and has over 20,000 tenants. One in ten people in Vantaa live in a home owned by us.
VAV started operations in 1986. The foundation of the company brought all the city’s wholly owned rented property companies together into a single unit. Today, the VAV group consists of the parent company VAV Yhtymä Oy, and its three subsidiaries, VAV Asunnot Oy, VAV Hoiva-asunnot Oy and VAV Palvelukodit Oy. VAV Asunnot Oy and VAV Hoiva-asunnot Oy build and own state-subsidised apartments, which constitute the majority of VAV’s properties. VAV Yhtymä Oy builds and owns non-subsidised apartments, whereas VAV Palvelukodit does the same with service housing.
Our main task is to provide high quality homes for the people of Vantaa at a reasonable price. We aim to ensure that rents remain fair irrespective of fluctuations in the economy. Within VAV the capital costs of the various properties are evened out. Planned maintenance of the properties seeks to ensure that they retain their value. We co-operate with our residents to make our apartments pleasant places in which to live.