We are clarifying the phone menu of our customer service number 010 235 1450. Based on feedback from residents and…

How is living with us? SMS surveys start again
We want to know how you like living in our houses. Once a year, every resident receives an SMS survey.
Every month, the survey is sent to a selected group of customers. Every resident receives an SMS survey once a year. The feedback survey asks how the living in our homes is going. We hope to receive responses from as many people as possible.
The surveys are linked to our desire to serve our residents well. We want to develop our services in a customer-oriented way. Last autumn, we sent out a customer satisfaction survey to all our residents who were living with us at the time. We also ask for feedback from residents moving in and out, and from people who have had contact with our customer service.
The text message is sent by VAV and there is a link to the survey in the message box. Please note that VAV will never send out changed rent information or payment requests via SMS.