Offer of accommodation and tenancy agreement

If you receive an offer of accommodation from us, please provide the requested attachments at that stage at the latest. You can visit the apartment you have been offered before you send us the attachments. The accommodation will be shown either by the former tenant or by a representative of the management company. You will receive this information in the offer letter.

Tenancy agreement and security deposit

Let us know if you will accept the offered apartment by the due date stated in the offer. If you have not yet submitted the application documents, they will be requested at this stage before the contract is signed. The contract can be signed electronically. If you wish to sign the lease at the VAV office, the information for signing the contract and making an appointment will be included in the confirmed offer of accommodation.

If your spouse or other tenant is also applying for accommodation with you, they will need to identify themselves and sign the lease. The contract is signed in person or by proxy, which you can do yourself. The power of attorney must be certified.

Security deposit €0

No deposit is required for VAV rental accommodation.
