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The indoor room temperature recommended by Sisäilmayhdistys ry is 20-22 degrees. If the room temperature is too high, it may result in tiredness, lack of concentration and other health-affecting symptoms.
The heating period begins in the autumn, once the average outdoor air temperature drops to around 15 degrees. In the autumn, indoor air may feel colder than it is because the relative air humidity is at its highest. At the start of the heating period, it takes some time before the structures are heated and the humidity drops. The heating of the property is related to the outdoor air temperature because it determines the temperature of the water circulated in the radiator network. If there is a sharp drop in temperature, it may take a while before the heating can be felt in the apartments.
Good to know:
- You should not place large pieces of furniture in front of the radiators. The thermostats of the radiators should not be covered by large curtains. The thermostat controls the temperature of the water circulating through the radiator. If the thermostat is covered by curtains or furniture, it will estimate the room temperature to be higher than now, as a result of which the heating will not work properly.
- Please do not remove the radiator thermostats. If a radiator thermostat is loose or comes off when you are adjusting it, contact your building’s maintenance company.
- In some cases, problems with heating may be the result of windows, replacement air valves or doors. Before contacting the maintenance company, remember to check that all windows and the locks on them are closed, check for draughts coming through the windows or doors, check the condition of the seals on your windows and doors, and check that the replacement air valves are set to their minimum position, but not fully closed.
Measuring the temperature
Each resident should obtain an indoor thermometer, at the latest if the temperature in the apartment feels abnormal.
The room temperature in a living area should be measured around one metre from the wall and at a height of around one metre. Before measuring the room temperature, you should avoid airing the room and make sure that all windows and doors are closed.
If the room temperature repeatedly remains below 20 degrees, contact your building’s maintenance company.
Additional heaters
VAV does not recommend using an additional heater, because this may result in the radiator thermostat reading the indoor temperature incorrectly and, in the worst-case scenario, trying to lower the room temperature. An additional heater left unattended in the apartment may also create a safety risk. To work, such a heater must consume additional electricity.
Please contact your building’s maintenance company and the property manager prior to getting an additional heater.
Other problems with heating
From time to time, air may become trapped in the radiator, preventing water from circulating properly within it and the radiator from heating. Because bleeding the radiator is the maintenance company’s job, if you suspect that there is air in your radiator you should inform your building’s maintenance company.
Problems with heating may also be caused by windows.
Basic adjustments to raise or lower the temperature are performed in every case by VAV. Maintenance companies do not have the right to raise or lower the temperature curve without VAV’s permission. If you have measured the indoor temperature of your apartment using an indoor thermometer and the temperature repeatedly remains below 20 degrees, contact the maintenance company. If necessary, the maintenance company will consult VAV about raising the temperature curve.